Who would’ve thought? I’ll never be on my hands and knees, following a maze of chords again.
I hate buying an entire sprig of expensive herbs for only one recipe, so this is the perfect solution for that situation. Use this kitchen hack for your abundance of summer herbs, or your farmer’s market spree.
A recent Facebook convo revealed this little beauty of a hack when it comes to pitting cherries. Our readers swear it works wonders!
Again, our Facebook readers suggested this great alternative to a cherry pitter when you’re in a pinch.
1) Prick the large end each egg with a pushpin before boiling.
2) Adding 1/2 a teaspoon of baking soda to the water before you boil eggs makes them easier to peel.
Soak a sponge in water, then cook in microwave for one minute. Careful, it will be too hot to handle with bare hands. The moisture will loosen grime on your microwave thus make it easier to clean. To sanitize a yucky sponge, soak it in water and vinegar and microwave for one minute.
Does it have to be wooden? All evidence points to yes. Call it an old wive’s tale, or culinary witchcraft, but for some reason, a wooden spoon will keep that pot from boiling over!